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What Is a Tongue Condom?

The tongue plays an important role in many sexual acts. In particular, it is crucial for oral sex.Tongue condoms are protective barriers that can prevent you from catching or transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) while engaging in oral sex. A tongue condom, also known as a dental dam, is a thin latex or polyurethane barrier that goes between one partner’s mouth and the other’s genitals. This barrier protects both partners from potentially infectious diseases that can be found in saliva and other body fluids.  Why People Like Them Many people enjoy oral sex for a wide variety of reasons. Oral sex carries no risk of pregnancy, so people who are not interested in having children may prefer to engage in oral sex. People with...

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How to Use Condoms Properly?

Condoms have been invented since the late 1950s.While using condoms properly is still a tricky problem for men and sometimes put them into a dilemma.We all know that  wrong and inappropriate usage may lead to unwanted results. But how to be correct?  In the following, we would like to provide you several steps so as to ensure safer sex and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs). 1.Check the expiration date on the box. Most of the  manufacturers will print it on the bottom of the box. The expired products will become more yellowish than the regular one. But it doesn't mean that the newly-made condoms is the best. Since the lube added on the condoms needs some time...

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