Condoms, as a method of controlling birth, preventing pregnancy and reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, are widely recommended by doctors and sex experts. In today’s condom market, condoms are made of various materials, such as latex, polyurethane, etc. In the beginning, the first condom documented in the reference was made of linen and intestine.
The condom use in Asia can be found prior to 1500s. At that time, condoms in China were made of oiled silk paper or sheep intestine. In Japan, tortoiseshell or animal horn was used to make condoms. Dated back to 1600s, the early description recorded by the great Italian anatomist Gabriele Falloppio was published 2 years after his death. He claimed to invent a linen sheath condom that was made to fit the glan and it was used against syphilis. In 1640s, condoms made from the bladder were discovered in an English privy; it is said they were used by soldiers of King Charles.
With the development of rubber vulcanization, the first rubber condom was produced in 1855. However, rubber condoms were more expensive and thicker. For these reasons, skin condoms remained more common when compared with the rubber. In 1870, rubber condom started to increase its popularity. The early crude models made from crepe rubber were gradually improved and seamless condoms were produced by the end of the century. In 1873, Condoms were banned in the United States by passage of the Comstock laws. Thirty States were not allowed to manufacture and sell condoms by state laws. Though condom use was opposed by the law, but it was the Western world's most popular birth control method at the end of the 19th century. 45% of the women used condoms to prevent pregnancy according to a survey conducted in 1890 and 1900.
In 1918, things turn better in America. Condoms could be legally advertised and sold for the prevention of disease. Yet, there were still a few state laws against condoms in over thirty states. In 1920, the first condom was created. During the Second World War, the rate of condom use continually to grow. In 1957, the world's first lubricated condom was first introduced. In 1975, condoms lubricated with spermicide became available in Britain. In 1990, condoms with colors, flavors, textures were created.
In 2009, the newest product-Zioxx Condoms was launched in the market. Made of natural rubber latex and exceptional hyalubricated acid, this represents a new reinvention of condom brands.